Sunday, 18 January 2015

Question 6 - Pre Technology

(Slide 1) In the process of creating my Instrumental I have used a range of technologies from various editing software such as Adobe Photoshop to presentational software such as Microsoft PowerPoint. (include images of different logos)
(Slide 2) Despite using Photoshop before, my skills have developed during the course of creating the magazine, especially the front cover, I have also learnt how to use other tools within Photoshop which included altering the appearance of an image completely through the adjustments and filter tabs. Using the adjustments tab allows you to change the saturation of an image as well as changing the brightness which is beneficial for making the text more visible on top of the image. Navigating through the different options under the filters tab allows you to apply different effect on images to make them look more aesthetically pleasing. (include Photoshop logo)
(Slide 3) InDesign was a program which I have not come across before and was used for the creation of the contents page and the double page spread. Although it was a new program to me, it was relatively easy to use as it was very similar to Photoshop, but I did come across some difficulties in relation to the text and images. When creating the contents page and double page spread I had to include two different boxes, the rectangle tool and the rectangle frame tool, when I was inputting text or images, this was different to Photoshop as Photoshop allows you to input text and images straight onto the page. (include InDesign logo)
(Slide 4) Illustrator was another program which was relatively new to me and was used to create and edit my masthead. The different uses for the features of Illustrator were demonstrated to the class and showed us how to manipulate text in different ways, we learnt how to make text take the shape of a chosen shape, for example we were taught to make the text follow the path of a bendy line. Although many alterations can be made to the text, I opted to follow the designs of other magazine mastheads and keep mine quite simple by using a simple font and only one colour. (include Illustrator logo)
(Slide 5) Another new technology which I came across was an online technology called Blogger. I had used Blogger to upload the progression of my media product. Blogger was very useful as I was able to receive feedback on my work which was used to improve the quality of my work. I learnt how to upload images, text, embed hyperlinks into my posts. Blogger is a simple technology to use allowing the user to edit their uploads with ease. (include Blogger logo)

(Slide 6) Microsoft PowerPoint was really easy to use as I am familiar with its features, it is a very simple and basic technology to use for presentations. I did not come across any problems when using PowerPoint as it is very reliable and easy to navigate through. I had used Microsoft PowerPoint when presenting the pitch for my magazine.

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